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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2018

Silicic acid as a dispersibility enhancer in a Fe-oxide-rich kaolinitic soil clay

Title:  Silicic acid as a dispersibility enhancer in a Fe-oxide-rich kaolinitic soil clay Authors:  Nguyen, Minh N. Picardal, Flynn Dultz, Stefan Nguyen Anh V. Nguyen Khai M. Keywords:  Silicic acid;Kaolinitic soil;Dispersion;Light scattering;Zeta potential Issue Date:  2017 Publisher:  ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Citation:  ISIKNOWLEDGE Abstract:  Insoils, dispersion is a crucial steppreceding the loss of clay-sizedparticles by surface run-off and leaching,which in turn results in soil degradation. Despite the fact that silicic acid is common in soil solutions, its effect on aggre-gation stability offine sized particles in soils has not been detailed. Here we examined the effect of silicic acid on dispersion of a kaolinitic soil clay fraction rich in Fe-oxides (8.5%) at different pH values by combining dynamic light scattering for particle sizing and test tube experiments for examination of particles i...